

The Need for Social Media and Digital Marketing in Clean Energy Industry in Saudi Arabia

The Clean Energy Industry in Saudi Arabia is proliferating. With an increase in awareness of the importance of renewable energy, more and more companies are looking to enter the market. However, the competition is fierce, and these companies need to find ways to stand out. This is where social media and digital marketing come in. Through platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, renewable energy companies can reach a wider audience

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2022 Statistics Of Social Media Usage in Saudi Arabia: A Research Summary

In today’s high-tech world, social media has taken a special meaning. It has facilitated communication between individuals and helped businesses connect with consumers. The method is effective in Saudi Arabia just as it is anywhere else. Social media is so integrated into modern Saudi Arabians’ daily life that 82%+ of the population uses it. Accordingly, let’s look at the 2022 KSA Social Media Statistics a little closer to see just

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Twitter Report: 3 Key Insights For Brands And Marketers in Saudi Arabia

As the world’s largest market for digital marketing services, Saudi Arabia is a crucial driver of a global conversation on Twitter. Twitter has announced the key trends shaping the Saudi conversation in 2022. The social media platform says that the future of the conversation in Saudi Arabia will be shaped by young Leaders, boundless creativity, and a willingness to challenge norms. In this piece of writing, three key insights for

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Why Non-Profit Organizations Needs To Start Taking Advantage Of Digital Marketing?

There has been a significant rise in the use of digital media and the development of digital technologies in the 21st century, especially across GCC. Due to this, digital advertising has become increasingly popular. Though numerous for-profit enterprises have adopted this, relatively few charitable groups have done so. It’s a mistake because internet marketing can be a powerful tool for nonprofit groups. Online marketing for nonprofits can help attract new

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Google Unveils a New Digital Marketing Initiative for Businesses in the MENA Region

Google has announced a new digital marketing plan for businesses in the Middle East and North Africa Region. The plan includes a suite of new services, and tools businesses can use to reach their customers online. This is a welcome development for businesses in the region, as digital marketing has become an essential part of doing business in the modern world. With the help of Google’s new services, businesses in

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How Digital Marketing & SEO Can Increase Leads Of Real Estate Businesses in Saudi Arabia?

The real estate sector in Saudi Arabia is one of the most promising and emerging sector in the country. The growth of the real estate sector is mainly attributed to the government’s privatization program and the Saudi Green Building Forum launch. With the ever-growing demand for real estate services, it’s becoming increasingly crucial for businesses in the sector to invest in digital marketing. SEO is one of the most effective

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The Influence of Digital Marketing on Sports Industry & Activewear Brands

When it comes to the sports industry, successful brand engagements are essential for driving performances and growing the sports fan base. Digital marketing can help the sports industry and activewear brands to identify their target audience, understand their preferences, and create campaigns that will resonate with them. In this piece of writing, we will explore the impact of brand engagements and how digital marketing can help the sports industry and

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IMD index ranks Riyadh as the third-smartest capital among G20 states

Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia has been named as the third smartest capital among the G20 states by IMD (International Institute for Management Development) in 2021. The city has achieved many milestones in the past and this latest development is another brilliant achievement that has put Riyadh in the spotlight. The achievement was made possible thanks to the rigorous efforts made by the Saudi government, especially when it

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Saudi Arabia aspires to grow its gaming market to $2.5 billion by 2030

Saudi Arabia has grown to become the largest economy in the Arab world. Moving forward, KSA is now focusing on expanding its already booming gaming market. This is big news for all of GCC & Middle East. Much like digital marketing, the gaming market has also seen drastic growth. This is a result of a number of factors, which include the ongoing pandemic, easier access to the internet, futuristic digital

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How to make the most out of your SEO strategy? A list of Do’s and Don’ts that will help you go beyond the traditional SEO practices

SEO marketing in Saudi Arabia and Middle East has garnered much fame and recognition. Brands and marketers are now focusing and even building their marketing strategies keeping SEO in mind. However, not all SEO practices are the same. While many do embark on the SEO marketing journey, only a few get actual results. Why? The answer is quite simple: new updates and the ever-changing Google algorithm. Google, Bing, Baidu &

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